All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 in total

🇬🇧 We're on an exponential technology curve - With David Smith

In this podcast I'm talking with David A. Smith, one of the most experienced pioneers in the fields of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). We will discuss...

🇩🇰 Virtual Reality: Fremtiden for uddannelse og lærepladser

I denne episode af ser vi nærmere på firmaet Innopixel og deres innovative tilgang til at skaffe lærepladser til elever ved hjælp af Virtual Reality-t...

🇩🇰 Metaverse: Når Nettet går fra at være noget vi er på til at være noget vi er i

Jesper Bram taler med Sofie Hvidtved og Bugge Holm Hansen fra Institut for fremtidsforskning om deres syn på Metaverse og vores digitale fremtid.

🇬🇧 ZK Advancer India Accelerator Program Now Open for Applications

ZK Advancer India accelerator program, powered by Brinc and Animoca Brands, is accepting applications for the upcoming cohort from now until 30 December, 2023!

🇬🇧 The Nemesis Metaverses: Starting on mobile and free to play

Choose how to live it...that's the Nemesis projects tagline. It's a bold project going all in on multiple metaverses. NFTs, land sales, characters, creator economy and...

🇩🇰 The Metaverse fra A til Z på 25 minutter

I denne podcast episode gennemgår jeg hovedpointerne i Matthew Balls bog og trækker de ting frem der er mest oppe i debatten for at give dig overblik over The Metavers...

🇬🇧 The big metaverse question at TechBBQ 2022: how is metaverse relevant for b2b?

On this episode of, we are joined by Sophie Mølgård Hansen from TechBBQ. Sophie talks about the focus on Metaverse at TechBBQ 2022 and the big question...

🇬🇧 Blockchain based games when experienced game creators gets involved

In this episode of, Sascha Zehe joins us to talk about the future of blockchain gaming. Sascha is a co-founder of Polemos, and he has a lot of experie...

🇩🇰 Hvorfor billetter kombineret med NFT-teknologi er det nye skiveskåret brød

Billetter har eksisteret i lang tid, og det har blockchain også. Hvad sker der, når man sætter de to ting sammen? Du får noget, der er bedre end skiveskåret brød! Vi t...

🇬🇧 How to Publish Your Book in the Future with Web3 technology

In this episode of the Metaversecast podcast, we are talking about the future of publishing with Malene Bendtsen. Malene is a self-publishing expert and has helped man...

🇬🇧 Starborn: Deep dive on on how to start and market an NFT project from scratch

In this episode of, we will be discussing how to start and market an NFT project from scratch in mid-2022. Things change rapidly in the web3 space. Wh...

🇬🇧 How blockchain is having direct impact on protecting the Amazon Rainforest

On this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Charles Graham, cofounder of Nemus. Nemus is a project that uses blockchain technology to create a di...

🇬🇧 Blockchain based Games: How to Avoid In-Game Economy Crashes

In this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Theo Priestly, CEO of Metanomic! We chat with him about how to make great blockchain-based games wher...

🇬🇧 Vasilia Niles: Digital Fashion Pioneer Talks About the Metaverse and Future of Fashion

In this fascinating podcast, Vasilia Niles discusses digital fashion and its impact on the industry as a whole. She talks about how web3 is changing the way we view fa...

🇬🇧 What we can learn about blockchain from tech-startup history

There is a lot of talk these days about blockchain technology and its potential implications for the future. But what can we learn from the past when it comes to tech ...

🇬🇧 Creating community around gaming with Wesley Ellul

In this episode of Metaversecast, we are joined by Wesley Ellul, a serial entrepreneur with a focus on blockchain and social gaming. We discuss gamification, creating ...

🇩🇰 Dansk NFT projekt vil redde verdenshavene med blockchain-teknologi

I denne uge i podcasten har jeg talt med Hans Henrik Heming, medstifter af MoonjellyDAO. Moonjelly er et unikt blockchain-projekt, der har planer om at bruge teknologi...

🇩🇰 Del: 2 Er DAO det nye APS? Decentraliseret autonom organisation og Dansk lov

DEL 2 af: Hvad er DAO? I denne episode af ser vi nærmere på Decentralized Autonomous Organisation, forkortet DAO. Jeg får igen selskab af gæst: af jur...

🇬🇧 From skin art to digital art: a story of bold artistic development

When Clare Von Savage learned about cryptocurrency and then NFTs, she went through a personal and creative transformation. She is not turning back now. We discuss how ...

🇬🇧 Creating the most ambitious NFT / CRYPTO / METAVERSE Conference in Europe 2022

In this episode I talk to Zoran Tadic, Program Director of the TOMORROW Conference about how him and his team and collaboration partners created the most ambitious NFT...

🇩🇰 Er DAO det nye APS? Decentraliseret autonom organisation og Dansk lov

Hvad er DAO? I denne episode af ser vi nærmere på Decentralized Autonomous Organisation, forkortet DAO. Jeg får selskab af gæst: af jurist Betina Noe ...

🇬🇧 Testing the latest Virtual Reality gear and apps at Khora in Copenhagen

If you're like me, you're curious about what virtual reality gear and apps to try out. In this week's podcast, I went on location and visited Khora in Copenhagen to tr...

🇬🇧 From sports journalist to Web3 builder

In this podcast, we talk with Alex about his journey from sports journalist to web3 builder. Alex is an agency founder and has been working with various technologies t...

🇩🇰 Generativ kunst: Den næste æra inden for kunst?

Efterhånden som kunstig intelligens fortsætter med at udvikle sig, gør dens indvirkning på forskellige brancher det også. Et område, hvor kunstig intelligens gør et st...

🇬🇧 Why we should forget about haptic feedback in Virtual Reality

Do you remember the first time you used virtual reality? It was probably an amazing experience. You put on the headset and suddenly you were in a different world. Mayb...

🇬🇧 Top level competitive gaming in NFT based online games

What happens when you can take a million dollar space ship from another player in an NFT-based game? What if I told you about a game called Star Atlas where literally ...

🇩🇰 Sebastian Tiku Lybecker om et nyt dansk NFT-projekt på den moderne kunstscene

I kunstverdenen er der en uendelig søgen efter nye og innovative måder at skabe og udstille værker på. Med fremkomsten af blockchain-teknologien har kunstnere været i ...

🇬🇧 A Gamer's Tale of Building a Web3 Gaming Startup with Giang Nguyen

In this episode of Metaversecast, I talk to Giang Nguyen, one of the founders behind Giang's story is interesting for two specific reasons: first, they a...

🇬🇧 Learning to build in the Web3 and Blockchain space

The usual advice you get when asking people in the web3 space what it is all about is to just dive in, buy some crypto or an NFT and learn while doing. But Phillip ...

Fra modstander til fortaler for virtual- og augmented reality

Virtual Reality og Augmented Reality er to af de mest omtalte teknologier i øjeblikket. Men hvad betyder de egentlig? Og endnu vigtigere, hvad er forskellen på dem? I ...

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